Summer Camp By The Bay
The Challenge:
Growing up in South County, many children never have an opportunity to splash in the Bay. Many come from families that cannot afford to pay for team sports. And many live in communities that lack safe play spaces.
But play and social activities are critical to a child's
development. How could we help?
The Response:
We formulated a plan for our "Camp: A Week of Possibilities" project: gather funds, secure spots at local weeklong, overnight summer camps, work with schools to identify kids who could benefit from a camp experience, and work with the parents to help with preparations.
The Result:
Children from South County, ages 8 thru 11, were able to
attend week-long overnight camps and have an experience that would otherwise have been unavailable to them.
We obtained funds to pay camp participation fees and to purchase
sleeping bags and other camp supplies then sent 10 children to camp
during the first year of the project (2022) and 23 children during the
second year of the project (2023.)
At camp, they swam and canoed for the first time, excelled at games
and gained craft skills. Best of all, they formed new friendships.
Campers and parents and even camp counselors all reported that
the kids LOVED their time at camp!
This program would not have been possible without the generosity of:
Anne Arundel Women Giving Together and the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel
the Rotary Club of South Anne Arundel County
mini-scholarships from Camp Letts and West River Methodist Camp
and private donations.