Past Projects
Wheelchair Ramp Project
When Joe*, a wheelchair-bound patient, was released from the hospital, his family had all the details of his care worked out except one: how to exit the house safely, especially in the case of an emergency.
Community Alliance of South County received the call from Joe's medical provider and went into action. We assembled a team of skilled and
dedicated volunteers from several South County area churches and built him a beautiful ramp.
Now Joe enjoys greater independence and safer entry and exit from his home.

Project details below
Project Timeline
Project STATS
Week of August
16 2021
initial planning begins
design team in place
Week of August 23 2021
drawings and materials list complete
permit application submitted
Week of August 30 2021
permits approved
teams enlisted
work scheduled
Week of
September 6 2021
materials obtained
12 post holes dug
Week of september 13 2021

September 20 2021
final inspection
Project STATS
More than 20 volunteers lent a hand to make this project a success. Community Alliance of South County members are grateful for the assistance of the hard working volunteers from:
Saint James Episcopal Parish
Friendship UMC
Lothian Church of God
Boy Scout Troop 840
and the homeowner.
Countless hours went into this project and its many steps: planning; site visits; obtaining permits; purchasing and delivering supplies materials and supplies; prepping the site;
and of course, assembling the ramp on one long,
hot Saturday. It indeed took a village!